How to Shoot a Film in 2 Days
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We shot THE END AGAIN in two long days. Here’s how we pulled it off:

Super talented team: This kind of goes without saying, but is harder to achieve than one would think. Everyone has to be on point, down to the PAs. And lucky for us, everyone was.

Passion: You have to be super passionate about what you’re about to do, especially if your budget was like ours: tighter than your ex’s face when she found out you were engaged. We made sure that everyone involved was passionate about the project.

Good food: Food is super important. Good food can put smiles on tense faces. First day: taco bar. Big hit. Second day: Popeye’s chicken. BIGGER hit. Them biscuits…

A good plan: You have to have a plan for how things are going to happen during the shoot, down to who’s picking up talent. Do they have gas? Do they know how to get to the hotel?

Resourcefulness: A good portion of your plan isn’t going to work out, so this is where resourcefulness kicks in.

Friends in places higher than you: Humble yourself, because shooting a film with a small budget means you’re going to have to call in some favors and probably beg. But you’ll be surprised how folk will come through for you – especially if they can feel your passion.

Good sense of humor: A set can be a stressful place. Time/money, even the sun is against you. Laughing can make it all better.

Shooting THE END AGAIN was an amazing experience. We wouldn’t trade any part of it.

And we’re hella proud by the final product. Which you can watch below.

Here’s to more long days and nights working to connect the film with the world and shoot the full-length effort OPENENDED.

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